How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (2024)


Painting lavenders was quite the experience for me. They were easy to work with, and the results were always fascinating. However, drawing lavender flowers is a completely different task. I know many of you’re wondering how I could even draw something with pencil that has so many colors in it. Well, when we talk about drawing lavender, we need to think from a more relaxed point of view. If you don’t know what I’m going on about, hold tight, and study some of the tutorials I’ve listed out.

Drawing a lavender is nothing difficult. It’s basically a simple two dimensional drawing. You can even call it a line diagram if you want. Basically, we start by drawing a simple line, and then drawing the petals to it. That’s it, we’re done with our lavender drawing.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (1)

Simple Lavender Drawing Tutorial

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (2)

This video tutorial will show you how to draw lavenders in a plain and easy way. It’s a very straightforward process, and doesn’t have any complex steps involved in it. The overall drawing is quite nice, despite lacking structure and details. But given that it’s a beginner’s level tutorial, I think it’s fine the way it is.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (3)How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (4)


Drawing and Sketching

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (7)

Lavender Drawing for Kids

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (8)

The drawing shown in this video demonstration is ideal for kids. Not only is it a quick and easy drawing process, but it’s also not time consuming at all. Kids can get started on this drawing and finish it within a few minutes. They don’t need to bother with any difficult drawing or sketching techniques here.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (9)How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (10)


Drawing and Sketching

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (13)

Lavender Drawing with Pen and Ink

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (14)

Drawing lavender flowers with just graphite pencil doesn’t really do justice to their graceful appearance. For a more vibrant drawing, I recommend you try this pen and ink method. It’s the same drawing procedure like any other pencil draw lavender, but has more to offer in terms of appearance and design. You could say that lavenders drawn in this way look somewhat better than the pencil drawn ones.

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Step by Step Lavender Drawing

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (20)

In this step by step video lesson, the artist will guide you through the process of drawing lavender flowers. It’s a beginner’s level tutorial, and doesn’t involve any complex drawing or sketching techniques. This drawing would’ve looked a bit better if it had some shading done to it. I recommend you get creative with this particular drawing, and see if you can give it a bit of finesse.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (21)How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (22)


Drawing and Sketching

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (25)

Quick and Easy Lavender Drawing

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (26)

This is a quick and easy lavender drawing tutorial for people in a hurry. It’s a very simple, yet satisfying process. The results, although not perfect, are satisfactory. You can even opt for the pen and ink method for this drawing. The lavender flowers done in this way can be used in greeting cards, or other drawings where they might appear as some sort of a background décor or art piece.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (27)How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (28)


Drawing and Sketching

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (31)

Basic Approach for Drawing Lavender Flowers

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (32)

This drawing is very easy to work on. It's a simple reimagination of the pencil drawn lavender flowers. The flowers in this drawing are very simply drawn, and lack details and a proper structure. Hence, it's a perfect drawing for beginners to work on. See if you can add a few elements or details of your own to give the drawing a more appropriate look.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (33)How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (34)


Drawing and Sketching

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (37)

Detailed Lavender Drawing Tutorial

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (38)

The lavender drawing shown in this tutorial can be easily drawn by kids. It's a very basic and straightforward approach, and doesn't require any difficult drawing or sketching technique. You can simply grab some pen and paper, and get started with this. The overall process is very simple, and will take you only a matter of minutes to draw this. It also leaves the door open for you to experiment with this drawing, and see if you can add some more details to it and make it look livelier.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (39)How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (40)


Drawing and Sketching

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (43)

Drawing Lavenders in a Pot

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (44)

This next video tutorial will look at the simple steps that go into the creation of this simple pot of lavenders. The approach is very simple, and the drawing is quite easy to work on. The drawing has no complex shades or designs, and require no prior experience in drawing or sketching. Hence, it's an ideal tutorial for beginners.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (45)How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (46)


Drawing and Sketching

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (49)

A Large Pot of Lavenders

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (50)

In this video tutorial, we'll get a quick overview on how to draw a simple pot of lavenders. The flowers are arranged in symmetrically inside the pot, and are only visible halfway. This just makes the drawing a bit less tedious to work on. You can just draw the pot, have the flowers sticking out from the top, and be done with it.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (51)How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (52)


Drawing and Sketching

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (55)

A Quick Way to Sketch Lavenders

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (56)

This kid friendly video tutorial will show you how to draw a simple bunch of lavender flowers. The drawing is as simple as it can get, and has no complex elements in it. Kids can work on this drawing anytime they like. It's also fun to scribble drawings like this at the back of your notebook.

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (57)How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (58)


Drawing and Sketching

How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (61)

ByJimena & Iñigo

The Navarro-Rubios

My husband and I are learning how to draw and paint. We wanted to share this learning process with the world and have fun! That's why we created this blog. We'll have drawing contests every week and you'll decide who won that week! Follow along and learn with us!

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How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (62)

Jimena & Iñigo

The Navarro-Rubios

My husband and I are learning how to draw and paint. We wanted to share this learning process with the world and have fun! That's why we created this blog. We'll have drawing contests every week and you'll decide who won that week! Follow along and learn with us!



How To Draw Lavender: 10 Amazing and Easy Tutorials! (2024)
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